Opening Principles of Chess

Daniel Stuart Todd – 3/4/2021

When you start the game take control of the center,
so those that follow will know as they enter,
that you've staked your claim and this is your space,
you are prepared and that you'll set the pace.

To develop minor pieces is second on the list,
just don't block a Bishop or he might show you his fist.
Start with the Knights then the Bishops can follow,
your setting it up so your threat won't be hollow.

Avoid pushing Pawns more than once at the start,
let your opponent make a blunder and play to that part.
Your good Pawn structure could help in the end,
so avoiding reactions you have principles to attend.

Once the Queen has moved out and no more pieces in the way,
lean back, take it in and observe where every piece lay.
Now you can castle to either side of the board,
if not, that mistake is one that you can't afford.

Castling King-side means the King moves two squares to the right,
then the Rook to his left side, prepared for a fight.
If castling Queen-side is the way you are intending,
then when it's all over a Pawn needs defending.

With all of this done at the opening of the game,
keep tabs whether your opponent has also done the same.
Now you you have completed setting the stage,
rest assured that your pieces are ready to engage.